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10 Tech Interview and Resume Tips to Get You Shortlisted
A common aim among professionals and students has been to work for big tech businesses such as Microsoft, Amazon, Netflix, Alphabet, Meta, and Google. Even if you’re working hard and have little experience, you could be wondering why your resume isn’t getting the employment opportunity you want. Let’s explore the reasons why your resume might not have made the shortlist and how to appropriately address it.
Every day, millions of resumes are delivered to large IT businesses, and an applicant tracking system (ATS) reviews them. Employers can handle large resume quantities by employing an applicant tracking system (ATS) to search for applicants who fit their specifications. You must ensure your resume is keyword-optimized and that the ATS will quickly recognize the appropriate sections to increase your chances of getting hired.

Top 10 Technical Interview Tips

An interview for a technical position may be stressful. To help you achieve your best, here are my top 10 tech Interview tips to get you shortlisted:


  • Refresh Your Knowledge of CS Concepts: Go over important subjects like big O notation, algorithms, and data structures. Gayle Laakmann McDowell’s book “Cracking the Coding Interview” is an excellent guidance.
  • Learn One Programming Language: Focus on a single, well-known language, such as C++, Python, or Java. Learn all of its details, such as the difference between Python’s sort() and sorted() functions.
  • Practice asking real interview questions: Make use of tools such as InterviewCake, HackerRank, and LeetCode. To gain confidence, answer three to four questions each day.
  • Code by Hand: Get familiar with writing code without the help of an IDE by practicing on paper or a whiteboard. You can become used to coding without syntax highlighting or auto-completion by doing this.
  • Think Aloud: Explain your thoughts for the interview. This shows your ability to solve problems while making your strategy easier to explain to the interviewer.
  • Friend, going on an interview: Along with a friend, practice and provide feedback. You may get used to the interview format by taking part in mock interviews.
  • Before starting to solve an issue, make sure you understand it through clarifying questions. If you’re sure you’re on the right track, repeat your knowledge to the interviewer.
  • A Simple Solution Is Better Than None at All: Even if it’s not the best option, start using the first one that occurs to you. Later on, you may improve it.
  • Be Curious and Show Interest: Find out what the interviewer thought of their work or ask for feedback. This shows your desire to learn and become a part of the team.
  • Be Polite and Kind: Give your best side. Don’t argue with the interviewer and behave with respect. They want you to be successful.
  • Remember that this is only an interview: Don’t focus on the mistakes you make. After focusing on the event, try again. As with any ability, interviewing is one that you can get better at through practice.


Good luck with your next interview!

Key Sections for a Successful Resume

To write a good resume, focus on these main sections of the resume:

  • Position
  • Contact details
  • Work experience
  • Education
  • Professional skills
  • Achievements and Certifications
  • Recommendations
  • Additional information

How to Get Your Resume Shortlisted

In this article, we’ll go through 10+ tips on how to bring a resume shortlisted for top tech companies. Getting a shortlisted resume means you’ve already achieved 30% of the journey. Here are some tips to help you get shortlisted for sure.

Get the Right Experience

  1. Make mobile apps, web apps, or ML projects. Concentrate on making something, no matter what it is.
  2. Instead of many small projects, make a few big projects that you are proud of.
  3. Experience in hackathons or open-source projects like ACM-ICPC or Google Summer of Code.
  4. Create a website/portfolio to showcase your experience. Contributing to open-source projects guides you can work in a team.

Build a Great Resume

  1. Keep your resume to one page (two pages if you have over 10 years of experience).
  2. Choose whether to list experience or education first and establish which is stronger.
  3. Utilize a verified resume format, like the free GFG Resume Builder tool.
  4. Mention 3-5 important projects, hackathons, or open-source contributions.
  5. Keep bullet points short. Use action verbs like built, created, designed, etc.
  6. Focus on accomplishments, not responsibilities.
  7. Quantify your accomplishments.
  8. Be honest about your proficiency in programming languages.
  9. Attach links to your certificates and achievements.
  10. Use present tense verbs for current jobs and past tense for previous jobs.


Common resume mistakes can cost you opportunities. The tips mentioned above can help you get your resume shortlisted for FAANG/MAANG companies, regardless of the role. If you’ve made mistakes before, you still have time to fix them. Good luck!


AI is capable of making decisions faster and more precisely than humans. Airlines, for instance, can employ AI to continuously optimize ticket rates by evaluating competitive and demand-related real-time data, resulting in more effective pricing decisions.

How to stand out in an interview with no experience

A great application gets you in the door. Now it’s your chance to impress during the interview. Here’s how to do it:


Because AI is so efficient, there is a great deal of opportunity to improve the consumer relationship. Enhanced operational efficiency is the result of automating repetitive processes. It provides customized product recommendations and creates a more engaging customer journey by studying data about customers.

Be Prepared


Preparing to fail is the same as not preparing. Be ready to make an impression:

  • Know the Job: Understand the job description and expected skills inside-out.
  • Research the Company: know the company’s history, products, services, and employee reviews.
  • Identify Solutions: Be ready to concern situations you can solve for the company.
  • Dress Professionally: Look presentable and well-groomed.
  • Address Gaps: If you lack some qualifications, describe how you’ll bridge the gaps (e.g., taking a course).


Have confidence and pride.


Talk with confidence about the work you’ve completed. Each job enhances your value and imparts skills. Express your pride in your previous work experiences.


Show Your Soft Skills


“People acquire most skills, but personality is hard to train,” Richard Branson once stated. Highlight your soft skills, such as leadership, communication, and problem-solving.


Give Specific Examples to Address Queries


Provide clear explanations and specific examples. Practice responding to common interview questions and provide real-life examples that support what you said. If someone were to ask you about your best accordingly, for example, tell a story of how your skills have helped.


Make An Impression


Describe a person that everyone finds attractive and remembers. Try to show these qualities:

  • Quiet confidence
  • Open body language
  • Passionate speaking
  • Determination
  • Optimism
  • Encouragement
  • Respectfulness
  • Sincerity
  • Clear communication
  • Unique thinking


Your goal is to be a memorable candidate who leaves a lasting impression.

These tips will help you stand out, even without experience. Good luck!

How to stand out from other interview candidates

In today’s competitive job market, standing out from other candidates is crucial. Here are some effective strategies:

  1. Add a Personal Touch: After the interview, send a handwritten thank-you note. Mention specific points from your conversation to show you were engaged and attentive.
  2. Do Your Research: Go beyond the company’s “About Us” page. Read the annual report to understand the company’s values and language. One candidate even flew to a resort to create a personalized marketing pitch.
  3. Start Doing the Job Already: Bring a plan for your first six months in the role. Show how you’d add value and be ready to discuss your ideas in detail.
  4. Use Your Other Skills: Highlight skills from other areas of your life. For example, someone with logistics experience suggested ways to streamline services in a different field, making him stand out.
  5. Show Your Creativity: Use creative approaches to showcase your talents. One candidate created a visual SWOT analysis for a finance analyst role, which impressed the interviewers.
  6. Show Grit and Resilience: Share stories that demonstrate your ability to bounce back from challenges. Employers value resilience in today’s fast-changing work environment.
  7. Demonstrate a Growth Mindset: Talk about your willingness to learn new skills. Use real-life examples to show your adaptability and eagerness to grow.


These strategies will help you stand out and leave a lasting impression on your interviewers. Good luck!


Businesses may optimize production schedules, save costs, and boost overall efficiency by leveraging data to facilitate better decision-making. Walmart, for example, optimizes their supply chain by leveraging the insights provided by AI.

10 Shortlisted resume format for freshers

A resume format for freshers plays an important role in your job search since it provides a page where you may highlight your best abilities and qualities. Employers utilize resumes to complete hiring decisions, and can also support you get your first interview. It is a document that details your professional skills, job experience, schooling, scholarships, accomplishments, and honors.


Get 10+ Free Resume Formats Here

How is work experience listed on a resume?

You’re a great candidate, but so are many others. Here’s how to stand out:


Add a Personal Touch: Send a handwritten thank-you note after the interview. Mention specific points from your conversation to show you were engaged and attentive.


Do Your Research: Go beyond the company’s “About Us” page. Read the annual report to understand the company’s values and language. One candidate even flew to a resort to create a personalized marketing pitch.


Start Doing the Job Already: Bring a plan for your first six months in the role. Show how you’d add value and be ready to discuss your ideas in detail.


Use Your Other Skills: Highlight skills from other areas of your life. For example, someone with logistics experience suggested ways to streamline services in a different field, making him stand out.


Show Your Creativity: Use creative approaches to showcase your talents. One candidate created a visual SWOT analysis for a finance analyst role, which impressed the interviewers.


Show Grit and Resilience: Share stories that demonstrate your ability to bounce back from challenges. Employers value resilience in today’s fast-changing work environment.


Demonstrate a Growth Mindset: Talk about your willingness to learn new skills. Use real-life examples to show your adaptability and eagerness to grow.


These strategies will help you stand out and leave a lasting impression on your interviewers. Good luck!

How to Get Your Resume Shortlisted

Getting your resume shortlisted is important in the hiring process. Here’s how to make your resume stand out:


Use a Professional Template

Choose a clean, professional resume template that highlights your skills and experience. A good template helps recruiters quickly see your qualifications.


Incorporate Keywords From the Job Posting

Read the job description carefully and include relevant keywords in your resume. Many companies use automated systems to scan for these keywords.


Add a Summary

Start with a summary at the top of your resume. Highlight your key skills and experiences in 2-3 sentences, showing the value you bring to the role.


Include Relevant Skills

List skills that match the job description. Tailor this section to show you have the skills the employer is looking for, like communication, teamwork, and problem-solving.


Mention Your Accomplishments

Instead of just listing job duties, include specific accomplishments. Use action verbs and quantifiable results to show your impact.


Keep It Short

Keep your resume to one or two pages. Be concise and focus on your most relevant experiences and achievements.


Edit and Proofread

Ensure your resume is error-free. Clear, well-written content makes a good impression. Have someone else review it if possible.

The Final Word

To get your resume shortlisted, you must take deliberate chances and pay careful attention to specifics. Make use of a professional template, add appropriate keywords from the job specification, and highlight your most relevant qualifications and achievements. To better show your qualifications, keep your resume simple and error-free. You may also want to add a cover letter or an online portfolio. You may significantly increase your chances of impressing recruiters and getting an interview at famous software businesses by paying follow to these pointers. Wish you Good luck!
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