The Top 15 Famous Coin Collectors
15. Joan Crawford
14. President Roosevelt
13. President John Quincy Adams
12. President Jefferson
11. King Farouk I of Egypt
10. John Jay Pittman - 1913-1996 (83 years old)
9. Louis E. Eliasberg, Sr. - 1896-1976 (80 years old)
8. Colonel EHR Green - 1868-1936 (68 years old)
7. Virgil M. Brand - 1862-1926 (64 years old)
6. Harry W. Bass - 1927-1998 (74 years old)
5. ANA Museum Coin Collection
4. Josiah Lilly - 1893-1966 (73 years old)
3. Caesar Augustus
2. Smithsonian Coin Collection
1. Mint Cabinet Coin Collection